Brothers and Sisters,


Our International Union of Operating Engineers General President, James T. Callahan, has announced his retirement after 45 years of service.  He began his career as a shop mechanic for IUOE Local 15C in 1980 and worked his way up to being elected as General President in 2013.    On behalf the Officers and Staff of Local 98 we would like to thank General President Callhan for his years of dedication and commitment, may his retirement be filled with joy and happiness.


                                                                We would like to welcome and congratulate John Downey who has been appointed as the new General President.   We look forward to working with you!

There will not be a membership meeting in December. The next membership meeting will be held on January 27, 2025 at 6:00pm.

You can now pay your dues online

Monthly Union Dues (effective January 1, 2022 we will no longer accept cash as a form of payment for monthly dues)

Call the Union Hall at 413-998-3230 ext. 107 for your login information.


Effective June 1, 2023, the monthly dues for Local 98 are as follows:

Branch 98: $24.00

Branch 98A: $22.50

Branch 98B: $24.00

Branch 98C: $21.00*

Branch 98D: $22.33**

Branch 98R: $21.00


** Branch 98D, municipalities in Vermont pay dues in the amount of $22.33 per month, while the municipalities in Massachusetts pay 1% of their gross monthly wages.